There are many energy therapies in this spiritual era. Personally, I have resonated most deeply with the Reiki system, as it is a simple and accessible pathway to light that can be harmoniously combined with other therapies. The quality of the therapy depends on the spiritual level of the facilitator.

REIKI is vibration. Reiki is light. Reiki is Universal Energy.

Modern science has concluded that everything in the Universe is made of vibrations.

Mikao Usui Sensei, the founder of the system, was the one who rediscovered the long-forgotten path of healing through the transfer of Universal Life Energy, after many years of research and studying the writings of the main disciples of Gautama Buddha. After 21 days of fasting and meditation, he received a direct
initiation from the Universe into this art.

Reiki represents the energy of consciousness, radiated from the Higher Dimension, and it carries the characteristics of love, harmony, and healing
vibration. Its true nature is pure love. (Hiroshi Doi Sensei, a Reiki master in the direct lineage of Mikao Usui and founder of the contemporary Gendai Reiki Ho system, which I also facilitate for those interested in energy work.)

This healing energy is transmitted through the hands of the Reiki practitioner and works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

This type of therapy is accessible to anyone, and anyone can benefit from its effects. Additionally, anyone can become a Reiki practitioner, provided they are initiated by a master. Reiki levels are acquired progressively, starting with Level I and advancing up to the level of Reiki Master.

The life rules of a Reiki practitioner, as outlined by Dr. Mikao Usui, are:

From this moment forward:
Do not anger.
Do not worry.
Count your blessings.
Live honestly.
Be kind to all living things.

The Ten Virtues of Reiki:

  1. Reiki strengthens and accelerates the body’s natural healing process.
  2. Reiki revitalizes both the body and spirit.
  3. Reiki restores mental harmony and the well-being of the soul.
  4. Reiki works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  5. Reiki regulates the energetic system.
  6. Reiki dissolves blockages and promotes total relaxation.
  7. Reiki stimulates the elimination of toxins.
  8. Reiki adapts to the natural needs of the recipient.
  9. Reiki works with animals, plants, and situations as well.
  10. Reiki is an extremely simple and pleasant holistic healing method.

No one changes until they change their energy.

Your energy represents everything you are, everything you think, feel, and do.
Energy is the currency of this Universe. Energy is not lost; it only transforms.

Energy Exchange:

Energy Healing: 99euros (per session – 90minutes)

Reiki Classes:
Gendai Reiki 1st degree – 111 euros
Gendai Reiki 2nd degree – 150 euros
Gendai Reiki 3rd degree – 222 euros
Gendai Reiki 4th degree – Master Teacher  – 222 euros.